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Kingston’s Promise

Kingston Series - Book 2

ISBN: 978-0-9912764-2-4

About This Book

“I promise.”

Two words meant to inspire trust and hope. When kept, a promise can be powerful. When broken, it can shatter just about everything around it.

Marcus Kingston spent twenty years searching for the woman he was meant to be with forever. The day he found her, he made a promise. He would spend the rest of his life trying to ease her pain and give her happiness. Her past wouldn’t make it easy, but he was determined.

He thought the difficult part was getting her to give him a chance. He told her she couldn’t predict the future—that she needed to take a leap of faith. What he didn’t anticipate was the one unavoidable obstacle to every promise—life. Now, he’s the one who needs to take the leap.

Kingston’s Promise is a sequel to Kingston’s Project but can be enjoyed as a standalone novel.

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